With 2 failed natural (semi-natural) attempts to get pregnant. Our RE recommended that we should do IUI. My husband agreed as well.
Again clomid on the 2nd day of AF still 2x a day for 5 days. I was also prescribed with dexamethasone (according to the RE it will help the body properly absorb the medicines). After a week we went back to her and she did FM. I just don't feel disappointed when she told me that the follies are not growing. She then put me on femara for 5 more days and continue the dexa. The follies are so stubborn they didn't even grew when she checked it on our follow up. She then injected puregon 150 iu and was instructed to inject the same dose the next day. We saw her again on the 15th, said that the follies did grew but not enough. Again another shot of puregon only this time it's 125iu. Since my RE is out on the 17th we were asked to go to SLMC-Women's Care for the FM and again the follies grew but a mm short of the desired size for the trigger shot. Follow up the next day, the follies are now at its peak and got the pregnyl shot. FINALLY!
Tomorrow is our big day. My husband is so anxious and excited. He really believes that this will turn out positive after all.
Baby dust...
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