October 09, 2012

The inevitable

Posted by Mei at Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Okay and so the inevitable has happened...

AF came today and it's finally sinking in.  We failed after all.  Fear not.  There will always be a next cycle, the following cycle and so on.  We'll just have to keep on trying.

And so what's next?

The brown discharge from yesterday turned out to be day 1 of my AF.  So as per our RE's advice I should take femara on the 2nd day, twice a day for 10 days and we'll meet with her again on the 18th.

I'll have my Prolactin, TSH, FSH checked tomorrow.  I hope I'd see better results.

My husband is such an eager freak.  He said we'll try this cycle again with an IUI and if we fail then he said he is willing to do an IVF.

He said that we should always take chances.  And do everything we can to survive this.  Whenever he said that-my fears and anxieties just went away.  I find an inner solace.

I know one day I'll be receiving the gift more than money could ever buy.  I know one day God will grant me the missing red line.


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