October 08, 2012

20 dpiui

Posted by Mei at Monday, October 08, 2012
I tested with an HPT Sunday morning.  Still the prominent single pink line is very much present... I wonder when will I see the two lines.

My BBs are still sore.  AF is still absent.  And I hate that I am gaining my worst enemy - my weight.

Today, is the last day for my duphaston  And what's odd? I saw a brown discharge on my undies.  I've been waiting all day for AF to arrive and it hasn't showed yet. The discharge is still present when I wipe.

Could it be implantation bleeding?

I'm so paranoid.  I always consult my BFF-Google

I've found this comment on this link
Going through the exact same thing myself! Whew, I'm glad I'm not alone!! I'm 12 DPO and have been spotting for two days, pink, then light brown, back to pink, then dark brown...(only when I wipe) I'm worn out! Implantation bleeding can happen typically from 6-12 DPO, but if you implanted on day 12, you may bleed for a couple days after that since sometimes it takes the blood awhile to travel on out! Also, if you implanted on day 12, it may take another day or so for the hormones to become detectable on HPT. Best of luck to you!!! hang in there :)

I've found another link
Hi Dr... After 18 days of IUI, i got brown discharge. I am worrying now, M I not pregnant? please advice...
Doc's advice:

Welcome to ehealthforum,
The symptoms that you describe 18 days after IUI could suggest probable implantation if you have conceived or even decidual bleed (if IUI has been successful). If IUI is not successful, it could indicate onset of your menstrual period. Continue to follow the instructions and medications as prescribed by your treating gynecologist. Wait and watch for your periods. If you suspect chances of pregnancy, or if periods do not start within 10 days of expected period dates, or if you get abnormal periods, consider visiting your doctor/gynecologist at the earliest for thorough examination (to confirm pregnancy related changes/signs in body) and repeat blood/serum HCG level test (to confirm/rule out pregnancy accurately). Be in regular monitoring and follow-up with your treating doctor/gynecologist and report any new/abnormal symptoms immediately. Take adequate rest. Drink plenty of water. Maintain healthy diet. Look out for danger signs like increase in intensity of abdominal cramps, increasing back pain, fresh bleeding etc. Avoid lifting any heavy weights and avoid heavy work. Avoid standing for long durations and avoid climbing stairs. Avoid use of caffeinated and carbonated beverages.
Take care.

Something inside me is saying there is still hope.  Just hold on... Well,  I want to keep the hopes up. But, I want to face reality too. 


Anonymous said...

15 days after iui started spotting brown is this normal? can it be im pregnant?

Mei on April 27, 2013 at 10:26 PM said...

Hi there.... I think it maybe delayed implantation. Because implantation happens fron day 6-12. Just to be sure you may do PT or beta hcg. Best of Luck!

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