October 23, 2012


Posted by Mei at Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So here are the supplements that my husband and I are taking.
Folic Acid - The brand that I am taking is PURIFOL.  It should be taken before getting pregnant or on the first few weeks of pregnancy.  Folic acid helps in preventing neural tube defects (NTD) in babies.  (neural tube is the part of the baby that becomes the brain and the spinal column).

Vitamin C - is an antioxidant-protecting cells from damage.  It also helps the body fight infection.  It helps prevent preeclampsia during pregnancy.  (preeclampsia, also known as toxemia and characterized by high blood pressure, swollen ankles and the presence of protein in the urine.)

Vitamin E - also an antioxidant, protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals.  (Free radicals can harm cells, tissues, and organs. They are believed to play a role in certain conditions related to aging). It helps keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. (Alpha d-tocopheryl is natural while Alpha dl- is synthetic or "man made")

 L-Glutathione - is also an antioxidant and it helps is detoxification - they neutralize free radicals which can build up in cells and cause damage.

Aside from the supplements I'm also taking Metformin for my PCOS.


Spirulina - is rich in vitamin B12 and is known to improve sperm count in men.

Zinc - protects sperm from bacteria and chromosomal damage.

Selenium - increase sperm motility.

Vitamin C - protects sperm from oxidative damage, improves the quality of sperm.

L-carnitine (3-4 grams per day for four months): Carnitine appears to be necessary for normal functioning of sperm cells.- he just started using this to aid him in losing weight.


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