October 01, 2012

The Big Day

Posted by Mei at Monday, October 01, 2012

The procedure was done at St. Lukes - CARMI - Global City. We went there at 11am for the sperm washing.  There was an extracting room. It was cozy and painted in red. It was also equipped with a sofa that is comfortable enough, a television and dvd set.  Also couples are allowed into the room.

CARMI started last year and they have a high success rate for IVF.  Currently they have no data for IUI.  But all I can say is they have such informative and accommodating staffs.  The services are affordable too.  Brochures are being provided for more awareness.

For more details on CARMI.  You may check directly on this link.

I was also able to get a price list of their services.

And so 2 hrs after the sperm washing you will be provided with the results and the specimen will now be ready for IUI.  Luckily for us, my husband doesn't have any motility nor morphology problem.  They were able to harvest 15M healthy spermies post washing this is out of the 73M that he was able to produced.  He got a little worried by liquefaction but during sperm washing mechanical procedure was done, as according to the paper result that was given. He even asked the doctor if he was able to pass the test.  The doc said we only need 4-5M.  And the assisting nurse backed this up by saying we only need one out of the many.  And his is a good number.  Could not asked for more .

The procedure started at around 3pm.  We were assisted into the room and you'll be asked to lie down on a cot.

A speculum will be inserted through the vagina to open the cervix and uterus.  Then the sperms will be injected through a foley catheter.

I'm having anxiety attacks during the procedure.  I think it's because of something foreign was placed inside you.  I just can't wait to get over and be done with it.  After the procedure you will have to lie down for at least 30 mins with your legs and butt elevated. Then no jogging, no running, nostrenuous activies.  Just rest.

We do have one follow up after the procedure wherein purifol* was administered by my RE. She then prescribed duphaston to be taken twice daily.

*ERRATUM: I've got all the names of the medicines mixed up. It's PROLUTON instead of Purifol.

Now our 2ww will be ending a few days from now...
Baby dust...


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