November 02, 2012

Hubby's Birthday - Birthday Surprise

Posted by Mei at Friday, November 02, 2012
I talked to my friends and planned a surprise birthday for my dear husband. His birthday is on October 22.  But, we set a dinner at Sariwon (BHS-Central) without him knowing it.  I want it to be very special since he wasn't able to get his birthday wish (since our IUI#1 failed).

How did I managed to ask him to go out on a Saturday? Well I told him I want to walk around BGC the on a Saturday night. I kept making  "kulit" - Friday night just to test the waters.  But, he said no.  Then the following night I asked him again.  He was a bit skeptic why all of a sudden I want to go to BGC? But, anyway he said YES! Hurray!

He was so surprised when we arrived at SARIWON!  Hehehe...

Sunday - We have a reservation at Makati Shangrila to spend my husband's birthday eve and it's a better timing since on Monday (his exact birthday).  We'll be heading straight to SLGC for IUI#2.

It's a good thing they have implemented the keycard validation to be able to gain access to guest floors.  (Non-guest can only access floors 2-4)



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