November 10, 2012

Trying to win it...

Posted by Mei at Saturday, November 10, 2012
Today is the start of my cycle for IUI#3
I confirmed with my RE on how to count on the first day of menses.  Spotting does not count and the first day of the heavy flow is to be considered DAY 1.

As advised by our doctor, this should be the last time that we're going to try with IUI.  She doesn't want to prolong the pain and agony of failing over and over.  She also doesn't recommended maximizing the number of tries.  First, it's not cost-effective - imagine wasting sums of money per cycle just to fail.  Secondly, my age would be ideal for a successful IVF.

Here are the medicines that I'm taking in preparation for IUI#3

I'm placed purely on injections for the ovulation stimulation - Puregon (75iu) to be injected everyday for 6 days.  It is suggested that they are injected at the same time per day.

Dexamethasone - I'm taking the pill.  Dosage is 0.5 mg once a day. This will help in proper absorption of the medicines in my system.

Then I'm to continue with my supplements and vitamins. The most important is my Metformin (3x a day) - to counter PCOS and Folic acid.

I also started drinking ANMUM-MATERNA last night.  I've read in one of the forums that it helps in preparing our bodies in conceiving. 

And on Monday, I'll be having an APAS Testing at HP Rockwell.  (Just click on the link to know other lab test available at Hi-Precision)

 Until my next post folks... 


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