May 16, 2013

My Miracle Blastocyst

Posted by Mei at Thursday, May 16, 2013
Another memorable day for us - April 22nd as it’s my egg retrieval.  This is such a big event as this is the first step that may make or break our much awaited BFP.

We arrived at Kato so early (that the guard’s the first employee present).

Kato’s pretty impressive as I said before when it comes to their steps and procedures. 
I love that they give importance on hygiene and they literally love anything that is pink and purple.  And this transpires upto their pink disposal lab gown!


Everything felt normal when I'm still at the Recovery Room with my husband but reality hits me when the nurse was leading me into the Operating Room and seeing the door open with both doctors present, with others I have no knowledge of.  This is it! The dreadful bed where you have to lie down like a specimen.  With the thought of my worst enemy waiting for me – THE SPECULUM.  I didnt get to feel the anaesthesia administration, I was only told by Dr. M that we're starting.  Since it was a local anesthesia,  I was awake the entire procedure and I've got the privilege to witness the action.  I grew 4 dominant follicles on my left ovary.  But only 2 eggs were aspirated and luckily both are mature and are ready for fertilization.  

You’ll be given a schedule on when to follow up for your embies status.

Here’s our schedule and the events there after.

Day 1 (April 23) – Fertilization Check – One embryo was fertilized and the other one they have to stop due to abnormal fertilization (3PN).
Day 2 (April 24) – Cleavage and transfer schedule – it cleaves but is slow growing.
Day 5 (April 27) – Slow growing 4 cell embryo (I’m already crying with desperation that my embryo will arrest at any moment).  We were told to check again the following day.
Day 6 (April 28) – my slow growing 4 celled embryo has worked double, triple time to live and become a hatching blastocyst! (I cried so hard I couldn't remember what the embryologist was telling me.  Until I said goodbye.  It's a very touching moment as we were on our way to Church when I made the call). 😇🙏. 

We went back to Kato last May 2nd for the embryologist consultation.   We spoke with Elaine and she provided us with our little angel's pictures. She told us that the embryo has worked his way to live and she even told us to give our angel "a name".  Her advice is to be healthy and happy while waiting for the transfer. 

We're still waiting for THE DAY.  We just had our follow up last May 12.  Next one is on May 19. 

I may not be pregnant yet.  But what has happened to our embryo is indeed a miracle. And I'm so thankful for being so blessed as I've found my solace strengthening my devotion to Padre Pio and St. Jude.

And I’m also thankful to my virtual sisters (Hazel and Cel).  
They are very patient and helpful with all my questions. 
Girls my prayers are always with you and I can never thank you enough BFP or not.  


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