September 30, 2012

Continuing the journey

Posted by Mei at Sunday, September 30, 2012 0 comments
JULY 2012 - Cycle 2

My period starts on the 26th and immediately we went to see our RE. 
It's another cycle of clomid - 2x a day for 5 days. Since AF came later in  July the days lapses early August.

We were suppose to have IUI this cycle but we have a trip going to Cebu for 3 days.  So we decided to postpone the procedure until the next cycle.

Our RE already instructed us when to do BD.  So as obedient patients we obliged as instructed.  We went to our RE a day after we arrived.  She prescribed utrogestan (again intravaginally) for 15 days after it would be our follow up check up.  On our follow up check up I was instructed to take duphaston 2x a day continuously.  But will just stop if I have my period.  I'm no longer surprised as I got my period on the 31st.  So hello RE again,,,

....Mid-year escapade

this is where we went last August 7-9 and it was all worth it even if no baby produced on this trip.


TTC Abbreviations

Posted by Mei at Sunday, September 30, 2012 0 comments
I'm a sucker for infertility blogs, forums et al.  When I was just starting I came across abbreviations like BFP, TTC, RE, DH.  Even the infertility world has managed to be creative with the use of codes.  Through the help my good old friend GOOGLE (btw, I can't thank you enough) I was able to search the answers to my questions.

What does the abbreviations mean?

AF - Aunt Flow (menstruation)
AI - Artificial Insemination
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
CM - Cervical Mucus
D&C - Dilation and Curretage
DH - Dear Husband
DPI - Days Past Insemination
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HSG - Hysterosalpingogram
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
TTC - Trying To Conceive

For the complete list of TTC Abbreviations.  Please check on this link.


Posted by Mei at Sunday, September 30, 2012 0 comments



Compliments to the ff sites for the inspirational quotes.

September 29, 2012

Let the battle begin

Posted by Mei at Saturday, September 29, 2012 0 comments
Not so long ago. I'm not taking my treatments seriously.  Sometimes I'd get hyped about it and there are times that I'm loosing the momentum.  For whatever reason.  Most reproductively challenged would understand me. It's a mixture of disappointment, hopelessness - all sorts of pessimism.  Or maybe I was just not ready yet. 

Now, things and time changed.  I think I've reached my peak and I need to do something about it.  Suffering from infertility is pretty painful, especially if you are very much willing to carry a child for 9 months and give all the love and support for him (her) after they were born.

Finally, I (We) are not going to just sit down on this.  We again began the treatment June of this year. And now this is for real. We are sticking on going to St. Lukes Global with the same RE we went to a couple of years ago. 

First Cycle  - JUNE 2012

Our RE had to induce menstruation as I forgot when was my LMP (but it isn't that long.  I just don't track AFs because I wanted to surprise myself with 2 lines on PT!) que sera sera.

I was placed on duphaston 2x a day for 7 days (according to my previous OB, the drug can make you bleed if not preggo or if you are it'll help the embryo stick to your womb.)

Then when I finally got my period.  The RE gave me clomid - 2x a day for 5 days.
Follow up check up for follicle monitoring. She finally saw a large/mature DF and was injected with Ovidrel to assure that the follicle would rupture (to articles I've read online the follies will rupture in 24 hrs. after the shot.)

She ordered us to do baby dance on the particular days.  For first time in ages, I've felt what ovulation pain is like.  So we obliged about the BD even if we have to woke up early to do the deed.

A day after I was instructed to use utrogestan (intravaginally) for 15 days. 2ww ends and negative.

I'm considering infertility treatments as an investment.  It's like a business as it's worth taking the risk.  It's like gambling - you'll never know if you gonna win or lose. The only difference is at the end it's not money that you'll be earning.  It's a birth of a new life.   

September 27, 2012


Posted by Mei at Thursday, September 27, 2012 0 comments

Me and my husband share the same passion.  Dogs.  We started with one and currently we have eight.  7 girls and a boy.  And we regard them as our own siblings.

Dogs are more than a man's best friend.  

The love they gave us is incomparable.  Purely unconditional.
They are too loyal that they will always stay at your side no matter what.
Sometimes they are more like humans.  And humans act more like animals.
If only humans would  learn from them this world will be a better place.


"The Matriarch"

"Very clever"

"The Girly One"

"Very Motherly" 

"Small but terrible"

 "The long nose and only boy"

"The lovable"

"Beauty and Brains"

My dogs are my kids.  They never fail me.  They never ceases to amaze me.  When one day, I'd have a kid(the one that came from me) I'm gonna introduce them to him/her one by one.  I want my kid to love and respect dogs the way his parents do. 


Posted by Mei at Thursday, September 27, 2012 0 comments
It's like keeping a diary except that what you wrote is open for all.

I've been blogging for quite sometime.  But this one is different as this is my journey towards my road to fertility.

As for many conceiving is as easy as one, two, three... Ours is different.

My main source of infertility is PCOS.  I already knew what it is long before I knew I have one.  Some of my cousins are suffering the same fate.  Maybe it really is genetics. 

My husband has a minor sperm problem.  But that's workable according to our Endocrinologist.

A little overview...

I've learned I got PCOS when I was 26.  I know I got a little worried as my road to conceiving will be struggle.  I just shrugged it off at that time.  As I'm still young.  I've got dreams to fulfill.  I'm also not good at taking meds.  I kept on forgetting until I stop.

Years passed nothing's happening even if we're trying.  We seek help. Gone through different doctors, hospitals, took meds to stimulate ovulation.  Seen a lot of people I know got pregnant but still we got nothing,

Again, I halt from the medications and focused more on growing.  Growing as a person.  Loving what I am doing and forgetting that I am not getting younger.  Until the middle of last year when I was diagnosed to have a herniated disc.  I got hospitalized thrice.  The first one I was not diagnosed properly.  The second one has seen the real problem then sent me on rehab.  Then the third time was a product of being stubborn as I force myself to be back on the institution on where my life evolved for quite sometime. 

My husband decided I should not continue.  That we should be more focus on having a family.  I guess he is right.  I agreed and now we are starting again.

We're seeking treatment and I believe this too shall pass.

September 25, 2012

What is PCOS?

Posted by Mei at Tuesday, September 25, 2012 0 comments
As how I understand it.  It's hormonal imbalance.  It can cause difficulty in conceiving.  It can somehow lead to diabetes if not treated. 

According to the information I've read online there is no known cause for the disease.  Some articles would state that it is genetics.  While others say otherwise.

But let me site some signs and symptoms:
I'm positive with 5 out of the 10 symptoms.

Like the cause, there is also no known cure. But the main medicine used is Metformin which helps in prevention of type 2 diabetes.  And if you are trying to get pregnant doctors may put you on fertility meds to stimulate ovulation.

If you want more information.  Please check on the following sites:
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