April 28, 2013

The Spermies

Posted by Mei at Sunday, April 28, 2013
I want to share with everyone about my husband's armies.  How they fluctuate and eventually stand strong after almost a year of battling lethargy and disobedience.  

A brief history.  His problems were concentrated with count, liquefaction and motility.  Years ago when we started this journey an OB-GYN and a friend of ours told my husband to take Spirulina (which can be bought at Healthy Options) to help improve motility issues.  True to his word motility has increased not immediately but accordingly.  Then told him to drink plenty of water (not bottled juices or sodas or whatever).  Then the major major SOYA.  Which will help improve his sperm liquefaction and count respectively. 

Actually my husband is a bit of pain in you know where... As he despises drinking water (he has this great desire for anything colored and bottled.) He is also too forgetful of his supplements as he said it is aiding him in gaining the unwanted weight.  Which I think is a BIG FAT LIE! (As he is eating like a full meal each time he saw an opportunity.)

And then reality bites...
That we are not getting any younger...
We are childless...
And it takes two to TANGO!

And so it was only last year that he truly cooperated when we really focused on having a baby.  (Though, still no baby in sight.)

Here's the compilation of his count from last year and just April this year.

So what did we do (or I force him to do!)

The diet - though I'm still lenient on this (as I love to cook and who else would eat it but HIM.)  But I'm focusing more on feeding him veggies and fruits.  Even if it takes us an hour to munch just a slice of watermelon...

Exercise - Treadmill everyday if the schedule permits or if not at most is 3x a week.

Water -  I monitor the water intake.  He has this Starbucks tumbler that he needs to fill in multiple times a day.

Supplements - He's been religiously taking Vitamin E, Zinc and Selenium for a year now. 


Also, I want to mention about Acupuncture.  I don't know if it helps him improve his count but after a month of doing it.  His count rises to 185.5M which is the first in his countless sperm analyses. 

And most of all we always say the same prayer.


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