April 04, 2013


Posted by Mei at Thursday, April 04, 2013
Hello everyone!  A lot of things to do lately.  

Then I hate the fact that BLOGGER doesn't work on MAC anymore.  I mean you can see your blog but can't edit post. Thank God my hubby doesn't use the same operating system or else I'm doomed!

Anyways,  what has happened lately.  We now finally went to see Sis. Regina and finally had acupuncture!  We already had 2 sessions with her. 

Here's what I was told on the first session (March 21):
  • Very cold hands and feet means I'm so stressed.
  • I need to sleep early at 11pm (as the brain uses kidney essence and when the brain is working so much it uses much of this essence that nothing is left for reproduction).  
  • Stop drinking sodas and cold water. 
Here are our pictures during the first session. 

With what I have been advised it's only the soda's that I have been avoiding.  I just can't get rid of the cold water just yet especially now that it's summer.

  Also I'm now back to doing threadmills everyday for 30 minutes.  And been trying to avoid meat as much as possible.  Thank God for Bodhi.  (For a list of vegetarian restaurants near you may check on this link.)

We'll have a weekly acupuncture session with Sis. Regina until we get pregnant!

Here are photos of our 2nd session.



Sis. Regina asked us to bring our medical records on our next visit. She also advises that I should have follicle monitoring on day 17 and 18 of my menses.  Hubby will have his sperm analysis this coming Friday. 

My period is delayed again and I'm not pregnant.  I just tested this morning.  Period should have appeared last Monday.

So this is it for now. 


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