April 13, 2013

Follow up CD6

Posted by Mei at Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 12 - CD6

I had my follow up today to check my hormones and the ultrasound.

And I made a graph based on both results.

Dr. Mendiola said that my hormones are normal.  The follicles on my ovaries are growing but they need a little push.  He said that in a normal cycle - there would be a single dominant follicle that needs to meet with a sperm in order for the fertilization to take place.  In a stimulated Clomiphene/Clomid cycle - nothing would be different.  Either one or two follicles would be present.

And for us to have a better yield we need the aid of injectables.  He prescribed 2 shots of 75iu Gonal F, (one was injected at the facility and the other I brought home and is to be injected on Sunday) and hopefully we'll see more proud follicles soon. 

We spent a total of P12,208 for today's visit. 

Here's the breakdown:

And I've learned something interesting today.  If the building is PEZA (Philippine Economic Zone Authority) Accredited and one of the couple is a foreign national then sales is deemed to be non-vatable. (This was because of my curiosity over a P360 difference for one vial of Gonal F with another patient.)

This it for now folks!.


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