February 20, 2013

Time to manage

Posted by Mei at Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My birthday...
Chinese New Year...
Baptism cum 1 year birthday party of our lovely niece.

We have to juggle on the events while we face our journey.

When there are events, there will always be "the question" - "Are we expecting anything yet?" then what else can you say but "it's still on the process".

In between the busy events for the month.  We managed to see another Immunologist.  Dra. Abong.  She is so nice and actually very accommodating.  She saw all my immune tests at MEL.  And as for her opinion my NK Cells are A-OK! Quite contradictory to Dr. O's interpretation.

She then requested to have a re-tests of my ANA (Anti Nuclear Antibody) - of which my blood were drawn at MEL and sent at SLGC (she said that St. Luke's uses a different method - Immunofluorescence, and it is a better method than ELISA), KCT or SCT screening - this one's in MEL .  Other tests are for the thyroid panel. We spent P7500 for all the tests and the results are emailed to me in 2-3 days.

And here they are:


Yippeee!!!! I'm so cleared from all the tests.  Even my KCT's normal.  God is really good!  We went back to Dr. A and she told us that there is no other problem except for my LAT.  We'll be having LIT to treat it.   She orders for a blood screening for my husband (he'll be my donor for the first 3 sessions.  Then a retest for my LAT if it improves then my husband will still be my donor for the 4 session.  If not we'll find a donor.

This is it for now....


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