February 21, 2013


Posted by Mei at Thursday, February 21, 2013
This infertility has been staying for so long in my system I just can't wait to kick it out.  It was a few years back that my friend already warned me - "you may want to see an immunologist".  She had APAS and so on.  I have PCOS.  I told her that it might not be possible for me to have 2 dreadful diseases.  I stand by what I believe in I have PCOS and that's it.  I'll get pregnant in time.

I let the years pass by.  I enjoyed life to the fullest.  Then I noticed that "the time" that I/We've been waiting for was still nowhere in site.

We started the fertility work ups and still failed all attempts to get my baby bump.

Then here's the wake up call.  I can't be just PCOS and don't get pregnant.  I have a friend who has the same but got pregnant without medical intervention.

I told my husband I got to do all the immunological tests and see an immunologist.  ASAP.

Voila! As I suspected I got a negative LAT score.  I need LIT.

What is LAT?

Leukocyte Antibody Test (LAT) or Leukocyte Antibody Detection (LAD) in the US. It is an antibody wherein the woman's body creates an envelop of protection for the fetus to prevent the immune system from attacking it. Also as according to Infertility Philippines -
"The problem is when the woman shares the same antibodies with her partner; in other words the couple’s DNA is too similar.  Normally the father’s DNA in the embryo tells the mother’s body to set up a protective reaction around the baby.  But when this blocking effect does not happen, the baby is rejected."  

For more details you may check on this link.

And the treatment for this culprit is Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy (LIT)

I had mine done at MEL.  In the morning, 12 vials of blood will be extracted from the donor (my husband's my donor until the 3rd session).  Then we went back at around 1pm for the procedure.  Out of 12 vials.  3 small vials of white cells were extracted.

I've got high pain tolerance but this one's just different.

I hate the prick and the push of the white cells into my skin.  Dr. A told me that my husband's end product has a good quality.  A bandage will be wrapped around the area and should not be removed for 48 hours.  (Dr. A said that the area should remain dry and must not be exposed to sunlight).

here's what happened after I removed the bandage after 2 days

I've compiled the photos that day.  


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