February 01, 2013

Is it worth it?

Posted by Mei at Friday, February 01, 2013
Indeed Dr. O is a very expensive physician.  But in fairness to him he will give you a brief explanation of the immune conditions their treatments, but to sum it all he only believes in IVIG and not LIT. "IVIG supercedes all treatments." 
 And if anyone would ask how much does IVIG costs per session? it can range from 168k-196k (the amount will differ according to your weight, so it can either go up or down a little), he also doesn't use medicines outside (meaning he utilizes the medicines that are available in his office and at St. Luke's no more no less) and to top it all he said it's a minimum of 3 sessions. 

My husband and I went out of the clinic in awe.  First, the cost of IVIG, then with the list of tests that he wanted us to check. 

Curious to know what they are?  
Here's the list and the cost:


While my husband is seated at the Pathology Center.  I phoned Tita Au of MEL.  She told me to drop by even if it is later than 5pm so she could see the tests.  After getting the total costs I was about to do Repro Immuno Panel 2 when I got the strange feeling of why should I be doing this when Dr. O said that IVIG supersedes all treatments even to LAT (which traditionally, is being treated with LIT - Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy).  Told the lady that I'll be back to take the tests.  

And so we went to MEL.  It's the second time meeting Tita Au.  But she's very nice and accommodating as ever.  I'm just happy to be able to talk to someone who'd be able to understand me/us with my/our situation.  This is not easy for me since all this time all I know is that I have PCOS and it's all I got.  But, that's what I know.  What I don't know before is that I have immunity problems and it may not be impossible to treat but the tedious of all.  

Tomorrow I shall see another doctor.  I hope she can give us a better game plan. 

This is all for now


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