February 23, 2013

Knowing what's in your PID1

Posted by Mei at Saturday, February 23, 2013

PID1 or PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCY PANEL 1.  For those who may have multiple miscarriages, failed IVFs and unexplained infertility.  This kind of test is pretty familiar. 

This test will determine whether we have unwanted antibodies that prevents our bodies from conceiving.

The test is also known as Reproductive Immunophenotype in different countries.

Below is my recent PID1 result.

CD-3 (Pan T-Cells) – these cells composed mainly of our lymphocytes and determines whether our immune system is weak or healthy.  Those with whom the values shows higher than the normal may have experienced recurrent pregnancy losses or unexplained infertility.

CD-4 (T-Helper Cells) - these are called helper cells because CD-3 Pan T-cells cannot function without them.  As they provide direction to the immune response.  They have two types: Th1 – which helps determine attacks to the immune system, eg. viruses in an infected cell.  Th2 – which secretes cytokines and are relevant in creating immune response in removing the infected cells.

CD-8 (T-Cytotoxic-Suppressors) - these are the eliminators of infected and abnormal cells.  And occasionally show relevance on women with reproductive issues.

CD-19 (B Cells) - these cells matures into plasma, (the pale-yellow liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension).  They frequently show elevated values with women with recurrent pregnancy losses or with immune cause for infertility.

CD 19+/5+ (B-1 Cells) 
- these cells are involved with autoimmune disorders, (a condition wherein the immune system mistakenly attacks a healthy body tissue).  Women with elevated results may be at risk for thyroiditis, (inflammation of thyroids) and premature menopause.

CD 56+ Natural Killer Cells – they can identify foreign and abnormal cells and eliminates them and often when the results are above normal values (12%-17%) it is associated with women’s failure to conceive.

Looking back at my results it was in CD19 and CD20 Cells that I fail.  I'm just making a wild guess that CD20 is similar to CD19+ as it is also called B-1 Cells.  Anyhow,  I'm praying that my immune issues could be addressed by LIT.  I don't want to consider IVIG just yet.  Maybe when I got pregnant and it'll help me get through with the nine month wait then why not.  

For more details on regarding Repro-Immune you may check on this link.

This is all for now


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