January 23, 2013

Immunological Testing

Posted by Mei at Wednesday, January 23, 2013
It's official.  Our R&R has now officially ended.  We are pushing through with our game plan.  Complete the immunological testing and then if everything is all well we're going to see a new doctor.  And if not we are seeing Dr. Alejandro Ortigas - a repro immuno doctor from SLGC. Heard a lot of good reviews about him so we'll see.

We started early today.  Had my immunological testing done at The Manila Endocrine Laboratory.

10 cc of blood for all 4 tests

And did the following test today:
  1. LAT - Leukocyte Antibody Test
  2. ANA - Antinuclear Antibody Test
  3. Anti-sperm Antibodies
  4. Elevated Natural Killer Cell

and yes he's also doing his part.
His blood is also needed for the anti-sperm antibodies.

No preparation is needed just go there and tell Ate Au what are the tests that you need (I've got no request since I'm doing this voluntarily but if you have one then you may show it).  Results will be emailed a day after you came in for the tests (except for NK which usually takes 3 days - and has a cut off day of Thursday)

Our bloody morning.
MEL does not accept card payments.  So better call first for the cost of the test that you need.  We spent a total of Php 18300.00 for all 4 test.  

breakdown of total cost.

This is it for now.  


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