September 29, 2012

Let the battle begin

Posted by Mei at Saturday, September 29, 2012
Not so long ago. I'm not taking my treatments seriously.  Sometimes I'd get hyped about it and there are times that I'm loosing the momentum.  For whatever reason.  Most reproductively challenged would understand me. It's a mixture of disappointment, hopelessness - all sorts of pessimism.  Or maybe I was just not ready yet. 

Now, things and time changed.  I think I've reached my peak and I need to do something about it.  Suffering from infertility is pretty painful, especially if you are very much willing to carry a child for 9 months and give all the love and support for him (her) after they were born.

Finally, I (We) are not going to just sit down on this.  We again began the treatment June of this year. And now this is for real. We are sticking on going to St. Lukes Global with the same RE we went to a couple of years ago. 

First Cycle  - JUNE 2012

Our RE had to induce menstruation as I forgot when was my LMP (but it isn't that long.  I just don't track AFs because I wanted to surprise myself with 2 lines on PT!) que sera sera.

I was placed on duphaston 2x a day for 7 days (according to my previous OB, the drug can make you bleed if not preggo or if you are it'll help the embryo stick to your womb.)

Then when I finally got my period.  The RE gave me clomid - 2x a day for 5 days.
Follow up check up for follicle monitoring. She finally saw a large/mature DF and was injected with Ovidrel to assure that the follicle would rupture (to articles I've read online the follies will rupture in 24 hrs. after the shot.)

She ordered us to do baby dance on the particular days.  For first time in ages, I've felt what ovulation pain is like.  So we obliged about the BD even if we have to woke up early to do the deed.

A day after I was instructed to use utrogestan (intravaginally) for 15 days. 2ww ends and negative.

I'm considering infertility treatments as an investment.  It's like a business as it's worth taking the risk.  It's like gambling - you'll never know if you gonna win or lose. The only difference is at the end it's not money that you'll be earning.  It's a birth of a new life.   


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